St. Patrick's Day 2023
SVH takes 3rd Place Award in Special Category
The St Patrick’s Day Parade has been an honored tradition in NYC for 262 years. Over 250,000 marchers in the hundreds of organizations, associations, bands and special associations march every year. And every year more associations, organizations, bands and specials request to march.
As you know, last year 45 proud alumnae stepped off from East 45th street and we looked great. 5 alumnae marched in full uniform and, of course, our cap was the highlight! We marched 6 across and kept our lines straight, especially passing the Cathedral and the reviewing stand. Those in uniform threw the capes over their shoulders to reveal the red lining, which represented respect and honor to those reviewing the parade from those spots.
And because of our “professionalism and appearance,” we received an award in the specials category. The award is for 3rd place recognition of our outstanding performance and participation in the 2023 parade. The 1st and 2nd place winners were the Cross Border Band and an association from Cavan. So, our take on this award is that we came in 3rd internationally, but 1st in the USA!
We hope to see more of you this year. The parade will be on SATURDAY MARCH 16, 2024. If you are a member of the Alumnae Association you will be receiving information in the mail. And again, we send a big thank you to the Richmond County Pipes for piping us up the avenue.